The Leadership Dance is the story of Dick Knowles’ personal journey in learning how to lead more effectively in this turbulent, unpredictable world. The newly discovered processes and models presented here apply to leadership tasks at all levels in the organization, and will lead to improvements in effectiveness of as much as 30-40% by enabling you to open up the flow of energy and creativity in your organization.
“A thoughtful book about the changes on perspective, organization and leadership that are essential to a liveable world for all our children and grandchildren, written by a man who not only understands the theory, but has put it into place with enormous success in the world of business.”
Dee Hock
Founder and CEO Emeritus, VISA
Author of Birth of the Chaordic Age
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Partnering for Safety and Business Excellence
The Safety Leadership Process™ described in this book helps leaders to lead their respective organizations beyond compliance, to safety excellence, with virtually zero injuries. Huge costs are saved as the waste of human suffering, injuries, and lawsuits and bad press are avoided.
“Dick Knowles uses a hard-core business improvement process that helped us increase our turn-over and profitability by 3-fold in just 2 years. We’ve saved over $100,000 in lower costs related to injuries. This book will help you do this.”
Paul Avey, Managing Director, Weir Minerals Multiflo, Queensland Australia

The Process Enneagram©: Essays on Theory and Practice
There are nine essays in this book by students and practitioners that help to deepen the understanding of this tool and show how to use it effectively in a wide variety of situations. In using this tool to guide and facilitate the intense, important conversations with groups and organizations, you will be more able to help them to solve the critical, complex questions they are facing.

You can order a copy of “The Process Enneagram” for just $35.95 for softback or $28.95 electronic.

Dick Knowles worked at DuPont for 37 years in many leadership positions including Plant Manager and Director of Community Outreach. He has had outstanding success in organizational change and other leadership improvements while in DuPont and is now a world known guide and consultant. He’s worked extensively in both the private and public sectors.